Happy 2009, all. 2008 certainly was a year, wasn't it? In the Waldes' lives: I got pregnant (on our own!) and turned 30; Brian got a great new job with the Town of Breckenridge; I was promoted to Director of Finance at TKC; Anya celebrated her 2nd birthday; Brian and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary; we had a GREAT trip with the Mikulas' to Sayulita, Mexico; and we were blessed with the birth of our 2nd daugher, Sonja.
What an exciting election year as well! Go, Obama!!! This was the first election that we can remember really being grossly invested in. I watched more political "talk-shows" than I ever thought I was capable of. I am so filled with hope and anticipation for this president. He certainly has a big walk to walk, and I hope he can do it. At the very least I can say that my daughters' futures are a bit safer and protected with this incoming administration. Maybe not monetarily (but maybe so), but I got really worried when crazy Palin thought she was going to jump into office and think she was going to help overturn Roe v. Wade. Ugh. CRAZY!
What else...well, of course 2008 is also a year we'd like to put behind us, with everything we've gone through these past 2 months. I never in a million years thought that we'd be "those people" with the sick or disabled kid. Well, now we are, and we're adjusting. It's hard. It's not fun. I wish so badly some days that we could have just had a "normal" baby, but this is our new normal. I keep telling myself that this is the only thing we'll know in the future, therefore it is our normal. It's hard to get past the unknown, though. I'd say that's the hardest part of all of this, is that there's still so much out there in Sonja's future (and ours) that we don't know. But then again, I'm a control freak who likes to have everything laid out in front of me so I can plan. That's just not in the cards for me this time. We'll roll with the punches...all of them; and we'll keep going through our "normal".
2008 was a year in which we truly realized how blessed we are. We have the most amazing family and friends. I don't know what we'd do without them. Our parents and sisters, our friends in Summit County and across the country and world. They are all amazing people. We are surrounded by their love, without which we would never have survived the heartache we endured this year. Thank you, and we love you all back.
Here's what we're looking forward to in 2009: more birthdays (Anya's 3rd, Sonja's 1st), anniversaries, fewer doctors appointments, maybe a vacation or two, Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas (with palm trees?!). Skiing with Brian and Anya, the smell of spring, warm summer days and the changing aspen leaves in fall. The Dillon farmer's market. Our annual bike trip to Crested Butte. Margaritas at the tiki bar ('cause I can indulge again!!!) and a hot toddy at the ski lodge. Building snow-people families. Seeing family. Going to somo lake. So much to look forward to!
So here's to a happy (ier), healthier, prosperous 2009, everyone.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas 2008
I've been staring at a blank screen for some time now, not knowing where to begin. Most of you know what we've been through the past (almost) 2 months. But to recap, Sonja was born on 11/9, diagnosis of DiGeorge Syndrome with multiple heart defects, open heart surgery on 11/18, and finally home on 12/9 - her 1-month b-day. What a ride it's been.
But most importantly, we were all home on Christmas day. It was perfect. Brian and I made the decision to spoil Anya absolutely rotten. She deserves it with what she's been through. What a day it was for her. We tracked Santa online through Norad's website - gotta love the 21st century. Left cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for Rudolph. All were consumed by the morning, of course. Anya woke up at 6 a.m. - just after I had finished the 4:30 a.m. Sonja feeding. I was devastated...until she came into our room and just wanted to snuggle together. Miraculously, we all fell back asleep until about 9 when we turned on NPR's airing of David Sedaris' Santaland Diaries. If you've never heard it, PLEASE find it online somewhere. It's been our Xmas tradition to listen to it every year for the past 5 or so years, and it never becomes less funny.
We grabbed the video camera then and caught Anya's reaction to the presents left by Santa under the tree. Again, perfection. We started with the stockings, followed by some small gifts, followed by the grande finale - THE gift from Santa Claus. The only thing Anya asked for from Santa - a Fire Engine. However, Santa not only came through with the engine, but the entire fireHOUSE, complete with fire people, a garage, bunk beds, hoses, a pole for sliding down, a trampoline, shooting water. Oh, what joy to see her playing all day long with it. And almost 2 days later, it hasn't lost its novelty. I'm sure by next Christmas, this firehouse will be a long lost memory, but for now it's such a pleasure seeing my daughter engage in such creative imaginary play. She is amazing.
So the gifts of the year:
Anya - the firehouse
Sonja - the Baby Einstein play gym
Brian - might be the Zombie Survival Guide from Ram & Jean
Amy - my beloved Frye Veronica Slouch boots - I'm sleeping with them at night and wearing them even in my pj's. Beautiful creations.
A belated Merry Christmas to all of you, my friends and family. I'm sorry we've been quite out of touch lately, but now more than ever I can actually say without much guilt that we have a good excuse!
With love,
Amy, Brian, Anya, Sonja, and Maddie
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Little Punkin'
It's just too fun. It's like reliving my youth through my daughter. I haven't carved a pumpkin in years! I can't remember the last time I went trick-or-treating! I can still remember the words to "Five Little Pumpkins" and am now reading it nightly to Anya. It's so much fun. As adults, we forget how important it is and how good it feels to tune in to our young selves. It was a time full of smiles, laughter, and wonder. Wouldn't it be great to go back there? (I'm hoping for lots of Twix & 3Musketeers tomorrow night!)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Some pics & movies
Here are some pics that we thought you'd enjoy! The first is of Anya & Dad carving pumpkins together. The second is of us after the first "big snow" of the year at the top of Loveland Pass. And finally, just for you, Mom, is Anya performing "Here I Stand..."
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain...when she comes!
Hello friends and family! Welcome to our first posting to our new blog, "Happily Delirious"! We thought this would be an easy, fun, and cheap way to keep everyone posted on what's going on in our lives...all 4.5 of us (Maddie gets the .5).
Well, I'm about 2 1/2 weeks from my due date, and got a little nervous over the weekend thinking that our little girl #2 was trying to make her debut. Saturday night was a long one, filled with numerous, intense contractions. I was finally able to fall asleep around 3am and was only awaken about twice an hour after that. Sunday and today have been much quieter so far, so maybe she's just teasing us. I guess she'll come when she's good and ready.
We're just so excited to meet her. This time around is so different. There's just no fear or apprehension - well, maybe a little, but it's a different kind. Now we KNOW what we're in for, which is both a blessing and a curse. Anyways, we can't wait to finally have her in our arms (rather than in my belly!). And yes, she has a name...we're just not telling (MOM!!!).
We have been spending lots of time with Anya, who is very excited to meet her baby sister. She's ready to share everything...well, almost everything. She's not letting go of her blankie. I took her swimming on Saturday while Brian did some "nesting" around the house. You should see how clean our fridge and cabinets are!!! Moms, you'd be proud! On Sunday, more nesting, laundry, and Anya got to help carve her first pumpkin! A happy one, not a scary one. Her decision. She wouldn't touch the pumpkin "guts" - "I'll get my hands dirty and it stinks!" she said.
A funny Anya-ism for you all. Last night I found one of my books that she had been playing with with the cover torn off. I brought it to her and asked, "Anya, did you rip Mommy's book?" Without hesitating, Anya replied "Nope. Daddy did it." We're in big trouble.
Well, I'm about 2 1/2 weeks from my due date, and got a little nervous over the weekend thinking that our little girl #2 was trying to make her debut. Saturday night was a long one, filled with numerous, intense contractions. I was finally able to fall asleep around 3am and was only awaken about twice an hour after that. Sunday and today have been much quieter so far, so maybe she's just teasing us. I guess she'll come when she's good and ready.
We're just so excited to meet her. This time around is so different. There's just no fear or apprehension - well, maybe a little, but it's a different kind. Now we KNOW what we're in for, which is both a blessing and a curse. Anyways, we can't wait to finally have her in our arms (rather than in my belly!). And yes, she has a name...we're just not telling (MOM!!!).
We have been spending lots of time with Anya, who is very excited to meet her baby sister. She's ready to share everything...well, almost everything. She's not letting go of her blankie. I took her swimming on Saturday while Brian did some "nesting" around the house. You should see how clean our fridge and cabinets are!!! Moms, you'd be proud! On Sunday, more nesting, laundry, and Anya got to help carve her first pumpkin! A happy one, not a scary one. Her decision. She wouldn't touch the pumpkin "guts" - "I'll get my hands dirty and it stinks!" she said.
A funny Anya-ism for you all. Last night I found one of my books that she had been playing with with the cover torn off. I brought it to her and asked, "Anya, did you rip Mommy's book?" Without hesitating, Anya replied "Nope. Daddy did it." We're in big trouble.
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